Word with Power

Book Frank for church services, conferences, healing & miracle services, special events, and teaching sessions on evangelism, faith, healing, prayer, the Holy Spirit and more…

Jesus replaces sin with righteousness, sickness with health, evil spirits with the Holy Spirit, lack with abundance, and death with eternal life - John 10:10.

Healing and health are good things from a good God!

Your greatest possession is faith in Jesus Christ, His promises, and His miraculous power!

Everyone believes in miracles when they need one!

Good News

“Go into all the world and tell the Good News to everyone” – Mark 16:15. Frank is an evangelist and teacher, who proclaims the uncompromising message of God’s love and miraculous power. The power of the Holy Spirit has transformed numerous lives during his global ministry. His journey began in Sydney, Australia, and now he operates his ministry from Houston, Texas. Read more…

How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news – Romans 10:15.

Jesus Saves

If anyone is in Christ they are a new creation; old things pass away and all things become new – 2 Cor 5:17. Before becoming a Christian Frank lived in the fast lane as a Australian rock musician making recordings, TV appearances, and concert tours. He performed with ACDC, Andy Gibb, Bee Gees, Deep Purple, Fats Domino, Little River Band, Freddie Mercury and Queen, comedian Paul Hogan (Crocodile Dundee), and others. Jesus miraculously saved Frank out of the rock music lifestyle and called him as an evangelist to confirm the Word of God with miracles. Read more…

With God all things are possible – Matthew 19:26.

God Loves You

Christianity is not merely a human-invented religion; it is a personal relationship with God established through His Son, Jesus Christ. God sent Jesus to give you an abundant life forever – John 3:16; 10:10; 11:25. Read more…